Nowadays, speakers are available in many different colours and designs. Are you looking for wireless speakers? Or do you prefer them to be wired? You can connect them via Bluetooth, so you can easily listen to music on your smartphone or tablet. Radios do not only produce sound. Most models have coloured LED lights to provide a real party or disco effect. This brings your music to life.
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Smartwares SK-1541 Kit carro Bluetooth
Nº Produto SK-1541
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€ 25,95


Listening to music via a speaker delivers much better quality than via your smartphone. That's why Smartwares has a wide selection of Bluetooth speakers, so you can listen to your favorite music with your friends and family. The different speakers are all wireless and can play non-stop music for up to 12 hours. The portable Bluetooth speakers have a handy cord that allows them to be taken safely.
The larger speakers have excellent sound quality and can find a place in any home thanks to the modern styling. All speakers have a Bluetooth range of 10 meters. Connect your speaker to your smartphone, tablet or laptop and start streaming.

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